IIRSM is the risk institute for industry and organisations that provide products and services to them. We provide practical education, training, advice, networking and resources to help people and organisations manage the challenges they face. We are an independent charity. We speak freely, helping businesses, public organisations, charities and policymakers appreciate the vital role that sustainable and targeted risk management practice plays – from saving money to saving lives.
SGS RISKSTAR qualification approved by IIRSM brings the value of IIRSM’s brand and expertise together with SGS’ skills and expertise. It gives delegates the assurance that the training course content and materials, and the quality of delivery meet the standards of an independent international professional body in risk and safety management.
Upon completion of this subject you will be able to:
- Have an overview of hazardous work
- Interpret hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA)
This qualification is aimed at all Supervisors, Line Managers and anyone involved in Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Management in the workplace.