Virtual Class (1 Class)
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SEBI’s Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report is now mandatory for the top 1000 listed organisations based on market capitalization. This interactive training course provides an in-depth understanding of BRSR, its principles and respective essential and leadership indicators. This course also provides an insight on the fundamental concepts of ESG, ESG Reporting and Global Reporting Frameworks. This two-day course consists of relevant activities and workshops to provide a hands-on experience to the participants of this training.Module 1:
- Defining and understanding Sustainability & ESG
- Understanding the fundamentals of ESG Reporting
- Activity /Workshop1
- Introduction to BRSR – Evolution, Overview & Building Blocks
- Understanding the requirements of Principle1 & 2 (along with best practice examples wherever required)
- Activity/Workshop 2
- Recap of Day 1
- Understanding the requirements of Principle 3 - 6 (along with best practice examples wherever required)
- Activity / Workshop 3
- Understanding the requirements of Principle 7 - 9 (along with best practice examples wherever required)
- Familiarization with the steps involved in development of an effective BRSR
- Post Training Assessment
- Understand the concepts of sustainability/ESG and Sustainability Reporting
- Understand various ESG Reporting Frameworks & their evolution in India
- Understand expectations from SEBI
- Acquire understanding of BRSR principles, and respective essential and leadership indicators
- Understand steps involved in the development of an effective BRSR
- Understand the alignment of BRSR with GRI and UN SDGs
- Apply the learnings from this course in development of the BRSR for their organisations
- ESG Professionals including ESG Managers, ESG Heads, Chief Sustainability Officers, and Board Members
- ESG/Sustainability Reporting Managers, Consultants and Analysts
- Professionals associated with Company secretary, Investor relations, corporate communications, legal departments that are responsible for reporting compliance of the listed organisations
- Professionals from organisations that supply to large Indian and International Buyers
- Professionals from organisations seeking investment from ESG aligned fund managers
Virtual Class (1 Class)