1) 介紹食品衛生體系標準 FHS 001:2013 及最高管理層的責任 Introduction to FHS 001:2013 and Responsibilities of Top Management
- 簡介該標準的背景和目的 Briefing on the background and aim of the standard.
- 解釋最高管理層在該標準下的角色和期望 Explain on the role and expectation of the Top Management in the FHS
2) 一般衛生要求 General Hygiene requirements
- 解釋在餐飲業衛生要求的有關細節 Explain in details regarding the hygiene requirements in Catering industry
3) 食品工序衛生要求 Food process hygiene requirements
- 熱食類、涼菜類和生食類的食品分類 Categorization hot products, cold products, raw products
- 何謂流程? 食品工序流程圖 What is a process? Flow diagrams for food processes
- 監察各關鍵控制點 (CCP)、糾正行動、溫度控制和控制食品暴露於室溫的時間 Monitoring of CCP. 4.4 Corrective action 4.5 temp control and control exposure
- 採購食材和配料 (驗收和記錄) Purchasing material (inspection and records)
- 食品成分標籤 labeling of food ingredients
- 食品添加劑清單 List of food additives
4) 檢查及檢討 Check and review
- 如何進行內部審核、檢查和糾正行動 How to carry out internal audit and inspection, corrective actions
5) 文件及記錄的保存 Documentation and record keeping
- 解釋文件及記錄的要求 Explain documentation and record requirements
6) 工作坊 Workshop
- 透過案例分析和互動工作坊去探討如何在餐飲業內實施食品衛生體系 (學員將利用記錄表樣本進行工作坊) How to implement Food Hygiene Systems in Catering industry (Case study, interactive workshop. Participants will be using the sample record sheet in the workshop)
ISO 22000:2005 和 FSSC22000主審核員,並擁有豐富的食品及餐飲業相關的工作和教授經驗。
Lead auditor in SAS/UKAS accredited ISO 22000:2005 and FSSC22000 certification scheme with academic and work experience related to the food/ catering industry. Expert in food management system audit from various food industries.
地點: 尖沙嘴/ 灣仔/ 上環培訓中心/ 待定
T.S.T. / Wan Chai / Sheung Wan Training Centre / TBC
語言: 廣東話輔以中文教材
Medium: Cantonese supplemented with Chinese materials
* 20% discount will be offered to HKIE Members
- 學員將知道FHS001的要求和在食品安全體系中的角色 Worker will have good knowledge on the requirement of the FHS001, and their role within the Food safety system (FHS001)
- 而對於公司來說,將清楚知道在實施食品衛生體系標準下的要求 As for the companies, they will have clear understanding on the requirements for implementation of the standard on their premises.
- 衛生經理 Hygiene Managers
- 餐飲業場所內的衛生監督員/經理 Hygiene Supervisors of the caterers
- 想了解基本食品衛生知識的人士 Participant with basic food hygiene knowledge
證書【100% 出席率】:CERTIFICATION (Attendance: 100%):
Delegates who successfully completed the course will be issued a certificate by SGS Hong Kong Limited.